What, after all, is financial freedom?
What, after all, is financial freedom?
How effective is your company? Take out a pencil and quickly jot down why you didn't. The whole process should take no more than 30 seconds. Go ahead and jot it down.
The solution is obvious to those of you who've worked with me: Look in the mirror. Therein lies the solution. The bad news is that The good news is here. To get the answer, just glance at yourself in the mirror.
Because no one else can be changed except for you, you are both the issue and the answer.
In the following paragraphs, I'll explain why I believe most individuals have a hard time starting their own enterprises. How to discover and initiate new recruits is a more pertinent question.
When asked what they desire from their home company, how many times have you heard "financial freedom"?
What exactly does it imply? My "stock" response is, "So money isn't an issue anymore," and I'm familiar with it. Are you sure that's the answer you're after?
I believe that people are searching for a freedom that goes beyond financial gain. It's the ability to live a life more in sync with one's true self.
A quote from Timothy Gallwey's book, "The Inner Game of Work," will be paraphrased here. Rather than just avoiding our obligations, we want to be true to our authentic selves in the course of fulfilling those duties.
When we begin to work or conduct our lives in response to external influences, we run into difficulties, according to John Dewey Gallwey's concept. All of a sudden, we're dancing to the beat of someone else's drum. As a result, we find ourselves laboring for rewards that are more essential to someone else than what we value most personally. Is this what you call a job? Playing politics and pretending to be someone we're not is a common pastime for us. We just aren't being ourselves here.
This is, in my opinion, one of the primary motivations for joining a network marketing organization. They've had enough of being the person they were made to be. Please take note that I said who they must be, not what they must do, in order to fulfill the requirements of their position. It's not about the task at hand.
Unfortunately, I believe that this is a major factor in people's decisions to leave their networks. Our passion for replication leads to a lack of originality and enjoyment, which causes them to leave us. "Be just like me, or just like my upline" has evolved to mean "duplicate." Your new hire isn't allowed to be themselves in their new company, just as they aren't allowed to be in their current one.
Doing so would produce unnecessary redundancy. For true business duplication, I believe we need individuals to tap into (maybe for the first time) who they really are and what they really want from their company. What's the point of sticking with something if it's helping you become more of who you want to be and earning you money in the process?
As a result, it's our responsibility to assist them in establishing a company that is consistent with their own values. That which is needed to be replicated are the tools themselves. We're not cloning individuals here. We're here as sponsors to make it easier for individuals to grow.
To be clear, I'm not supporting anarchy or pushing people to become hobbyists rather than entrepreneurs, nor am I suggesting that you become a babysitter or a therapist instead of a company owner. In my opinion, sponsors should not advise entrepreneurs on how to operate their firms, but rather provide them with the resources and training they need to do it successfully. That's when things get tricky. In many cases, we lack the necessary expertise.
The best way to pass on business tools is to discuss them here. in a straightforward, orderly, and uncluttered manner. To give you an example, here it is.
What kind of year do you see for the new employees in your company? In what way would you go about teaching them?
Taking a piece of paper and jotting down your thoughts is a good idea before reading further. Do it right now, please. You never know, this may be the light bulb moment you've been looking for.
If you've written a few things, assess whether or not they fit into what I'd call the fundamental building blocks of company success. We don't truly have control over anything unless we can break it down into a step-by-step procedure. Instead of simply giving you the solution, I'm going to ask you to go through the thought process with me as we go through this.
In response to your question above, "What do we need to have a successful year?" I'd say this:
I had a good six months.
What are the requirements for a successful six months?
At this point, everything is going well.
And if you want to have a successful quarter, you'll need a successful month.
Do you know how long it takes to have a successful month? Simple yet pleasant.
A nice day is all you need to kick off a great week. What does it take to go to sleep at night and be content with the day you've had?...? You'll need a couple of good days to get it done.
"Have a nice hour" would have been an obvious choice, but how much of an impact would it have made if I had jumped straight to it? Step-by-step instruction is often the best way to get someone on board with your project. When we assume ownership of the project, we're registered.
Is there a step-by-step technique to how your products assist your company in expanding its business? Are the tools you provide to someone you sponsor such that they can start producing money within the first few hours of taking control of their business?
In order to get a new recruit off to a good start, I believe the following fundamental sponsor tasks are essential:
This is not a game or a pastime, but rather a reminder that they are the CEO of their own company.
They need to know when they'll be working and when they'll be taking a break. Real working hours like any other company (their choice, not yours).
If they want to earn money, they need to know precisely how much time it will take to do so.
When kids are earning money, they need to be aware of this.
It is important for them to realize when they are engaged in administrative duties.
If they don't know where they'll be six months, a year, or five years from now, they'll have no idea how to get there.
What can they learn about themselves and how to make every action in their firm exciting, fun, and fun? (– They need a personal vision.
That being said, let's get to it. This may be accomplished via the use of a coaching strategy. Providing a "getting started guide" and expecting someone to use it at home are two different things. Put your new hire through your networking university, as McDonald's does. Take a trip down memory lane to your school days. You weren't given a book and tested on it at the end of the semester, as other schools do. A variety of methods were used to help you learn and understand the information. Why? This is how we learn. You can't simply tell someone what to do and expect them to do it for you.
Because I see it every day, I'm going to be a little rude to you. Giving orders and then questioning why others don't follow through! It's as simple as this:
Being told what to do (what is the favorite term of two-year-olds?) It hasn't been your thing since you were a toddler. And most likely, you still don't... no one else does either. When it's done by a person who most likely isn't doing the things they claim to support! We're sorry, but we have to be honest with ourselves about this.
In other words, if it fits, wear it. If you're not having a good time running your firm, it should be thriving.
This is why the "Get Your Year in Gear" program was developed. You may create your own step-by-step procedure that will
Enable complete freedom of expression in all aspects of your organization.
-Train you to be able to train your team to their full potential.
If this is the case, then enroll in the Get Your Year In Gear course immediately. The best place to begin is here. Even if it doesn't provide all the answers, it will prompt new questions in your mind and provide you with the tools you need to start living your life on your own terms right now by creating your own company. Then and only then will you be able to attract and train others to do the same.
I've already said that you'll be OK, but your BS will not be. Are you all set to have the finest year of your life in 2006? Are you on board with me?
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